While I was tidying (and I use the term, well... tidying seems rather mild for what I had to accomplish!) I came across some more slides (or framed color transparencies as they were labeled). When I finished my room project, I decided to fire up the projector and see what I could see.
This is the homecoming parade in Greensburg, Kansas in 1961. I can date it exactly, because Deeply Missed Sister was the homecoming queen!
First entry, pulled by Byrd Hardy was the Y-Teens with their theme of "World of ..." (dang that western Kansas wind!)
This entry was sponsored by Dillon's. (The sign says something about value, or prices....)
Not sure what this entry is about, other than "look at my cool old car!" (The Mister is more interested in the cars parked on the street!)
These are wonderful!
That building in the top photo I haven't seen in years... Since they tore it down to build the new Greensburg Bank building... and Byrd Hardy! Went on to become the best sheriff this county had (other than the new one being sworn in soon... he's my BIL!) and look at those dresses... aren't they beautiful! My mom graduated here in (I think it was) 1963. My Grandma graduated Greensburg HS, too, back in 1927...
Wow! You are a REALLY good keeper of the memory bank. Thanks for sharing. Love, WS
We really must get those scanned.
You were in the 1963 parade...always getting picked for the stuff you were! I was so jealous.
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