Thursday, September 23, 2010

The time has come! (and public yarning!)

We are moving!

This weekend we will be out of the house and implementing step one of the 'exit strategy' - moving into the RV! Much of the summer has been taken up with the preparations and the work is not over yet.

There is still much washing of floors and woodwork in preparation of turning the house over to the management company who will (we hope) find us a renter who needs to live in Las Vegas for, oh, 10 years, or so. Or, at least until the housing market makes enough recovery that we can unload the albatross that will no longer be our home.

Finding a place for all the things that are still with us will be a mighty task, as well! I have winnowed my wardrobe down in stages. I still think I have too much for the small RV closet. I am thinking I might have to store my off season clothes under my desk, at work! Not really, but maybe one or two pair of shoes would fit in my bottom desk drawer...

A couple of weeks ago, we picked up the current car project from the paint shop where it has lived most of the year (that is another saga!) We were pulling out of the automotive industrial center after picking it up and saw this bit of yarn graffiti:

I asked The Mister to pull over and took a few snaps to share.
Right in the middle of all that is automotive and manly-ish was this desert tree, decked out in crochet swatches!
Not that desert trees need sweaters to keep them warm, especially in August, but this one didn't seem to mind!

And it gave me a little bit of hope that irony and whimsy can survive in this dry heat!


Allie said...

Wow, already? This will certainly be a sea-change for you! I can't imagine going from a house to an RV, although I'd love to try, lol.
Love the tree- so whimsical!

Iron Needles said...

I am considering yarn-graffiti at work, as suggested by MDK...swatching someone's cube.

But they would all know it was me.

Gaynell said...

Whimsy is so good. There is not enough of it around! (Altho, I played with Josh for about three hours this afternoon..and he has learned "let's pretend!")

Martha said...

It's good to hear from you again! I think it might be a good thing if I were forced to downsize -- it's amazing how much stuff one can accumulate.

Fortunately, hand embroidery is a small and portable pastime, so I hope to see more of your wonderful stitching in the near future.

Miri said...

Good luck with the move!

Love tree sweaters...the world definitely needs more whimsy.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

The move sounds like a blast. I love the idea of trimming down to the bare essentials. I hope you'll be driving up this way sometime soon. Fingers crossed for a great renter who also decides to buy the place. :D

Lynne said...

Good luck Jan on your new adventure!